Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Objective 51, 55 & 63: She says I have a way with vessels.

So the kidney...... it was fun. I got to disect our cats kindey in class and Mrs.Gess loved my vessels running through it, and she said I did a good job. But however I did poke a little whole through it but you can only see it at a certain angle. The kidney have these renal pyramids small cauliflower sections of the inside of the kidney. The kidneys are the waste management systems of our bodies, it's their job to filter the blood and collect the waste and extra water from our blood to turn it into urine. These are some of my notes I have for the kidneys: how the blood flows through them, and structures and what they are there for.
Structures of the Kidneys

Blood Flowing into the Kidneys

Blood Leaving the Kidney

Parts of the Kidney

Parts of Kidney

This is just a video I found on line which I thought explained things pretty good.

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